g r a p h i c a r t
--guan yu, 07/31/20--
--factories of future feelings,
archives of tomorrow’s pasts that never were, 09/17/21--
--collective graphic for DATUM Student Journal, 01/27/22--
archives of tomorrow’s pasts that never were, 09/17/21--
--collective graphic for DATUM Student Journal, 01/27/22--
--pappajohn’s sculpture park, des moines, 11/14/20--
--imin studio logo, in collabration with tana gam-ad, 12/01/20--
--untitled, 11/28/20--
--des moines photo collages, 08/22/20--
--e una de plures, 11/01/20--
--deepshine logo, in collaboration with tana gam-ad, 12/07/20--
--illustrated stickers,commissioned by the supply hive, 05/11/21--
--black motherhood, 07/29/20--
--commissioned by the supply hive,07/14/20--
--an interview with Dwi, project submitted to datum, 07/05/20--
--an acoustic map of beacon, new york, 01/28/20--
--dad & I, 05/11/20--
--deadly, not them, but us, 11/27/19--